Thursday, March 31, 2011

Morning dance party.

#9. having a random dance party because we can.

So I had a rough night...cooper not sleeping well (again) and then my morning workout at the gym getting up at 430am. I came home.....showered...and really tired....sleepy...eyes heavy...wondering how i was going to make it, if my hour long work out couldn't get me going.
My beloved Keurig made my favorite "golden french toast" with tons of cream and sugar....
I knew it was time to get our school on.....and i knew i had to get over myself...
ipod plugged into to stereo...
mommy on top of chair telling the boys it was time for school...
but before school....we are going to have a DANCE PARTY!!!!!!!!!
and with a loud blair and shocked little boys...mommy was dancing on the chair.
Cooper immediatly went to his usual dance routine of the air guitar...
and Elijah threw down on the dance floor.
it was the best beginning to our day...

so i hope my boys remember this one instead of all those times i've completely lost it! Please God?

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