Thursday, May 19, 2011

Garage photo shoot I know you all are completely jealous of my natural ability to be beautiful even as a stay at home mom. I mean it's easy to look this good when I have so much time to do my hair and make-up and tons of time to shop with two little boys who LOVE to let me go and try on as much as my little heart desires. They are so patient with me as we go from store to store to find the right accesories and the most fabulous shoes. Ha! YEAH RIGHT! Shopping is a total imposibility and when my husband is home i want to spend time with him not time shopping. I really just don't get how mommies can look so good and have a chance to put together an effort. This has been such a long time struggle for me. I love bumming it. My mom has tried to change me and various friends have tried to help my sloppy, black and grey wardrobe, but really to no avail.
So I ran across this blog that I love and I am not mocking her in any way, in fact I am jealous and I am in a dilema. The problem is I want to look a bit nicer and I know my husband and children would not mind, but everytime I try to figure out what to buy or look at mommy blogs to try to figure out what to wear, I just end up frustrated and comparing myself to someone else. Not to mention the amount of money it takes. I have alot of respect for these women and wish I could figure out the balance of being a stay-at-home mom and wearing something other than yoga pants (my favorite :) :) But until then.......
Check out the pleated poppy here and her weekly post of what I wore on wednesday here

Elijah and I had fun taking pictures in the garage....he would tell me how to pose. He was wondering what the heck I was doing. Isn't my hair uhmazing!!!!!!?????????????

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