Thursday, May 12, 2011

# 18 on gratitude list: headed toward 1000

#18. sweet little hands.

I was kinda bummed. Long night with the coopster, feeling trapped in my house, and feeling like I haven't talked to an adult in a week. The day before I had two children one VERY hot (fever) one laying on me for most of the day and I needed some space. Actually I needed alot of space, a break from the house and a moment to myself. And then there we were again on the couch with both children fighting for my affection all over me. Feeling a little claustrophobic I looked down to see preciousness. All I could say was thank you Lord for this moment.

This was not posed....
i had elijah get the camera for was a sweet moment.
I mean really does it get any better than this?

Check out 1000 Gifts here.

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