Tuesday, October 18, 2011

#31-42 Of 1000 gifts.

31. Watching the body of Christ care for their own.

32. Watching my boys learn and grow in God-given talents and in character.

33. A husband who is quick to listen and quick to forgive.

34. Crochet hook, pretty yarn, good music, rainy day.
35. Memoirs of winter and snow:)

36. Learning the slower paced life and the peace it brings.

37. Beth Moore bible studies.

38. The beauty of women who bask in delight of God as apposed to basking in the world.

39. Spilled hot chocolate all over the floor because it's only hot chocolate..

40. CAndle lit dinner with the family, talking about being thankful.

41. 2 day left-over chili means I don't have to cook.

42. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen radiant of Christ in the midst of failing flesh, a life lived to the fullest extent of the glory of God.

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